Tuesday, July 2, 2013

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Free Data Backup Software

Large Data Storage Devices

Fast Recovery Services

Get the best and smartest solutions for anytime access to all of your vital business information!
Get started now improving or creating your plan for for disasters or unexpected failures. 
You can increase productivity and manage the costs of protecting
 you increasing data needs and security requirements.

You have to Protect It, Because It Matters

You’ve invested significantly in backing up your data – but that’s only one part of the story. What are you doing to make sure it’s protected and available for recovery when the time comes?

How This Affects You

  • Inconsistent storage of backup data makes it harder for you to retrieve what’s needed for recovery.
  • A lack of proper security measures increases the risk of an inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information.
  • If you aren’t sure what is stored where, you’ll struggle to identify and restore the data required to satisfy internal customers and auditors, regulators and lawyers.

What if you could...

  • Be confident in your ability to recover the data you need, when you need it?
  • Minimize the risk that data stored offsite falls into the wrong hands?
  • Know what’s on each backup tape, so you can quickly and easily produce the information required for litigations, audits, compliance reviews and more?